Fearful and Ignorant

July 1, 2020

2020 has brought an onslaught of conspiracy theories that many vulnerable to fearmongering and blind faith have embraced. Let’s agree that the governments of the world are all stupid and evil. We can take that at face value and agree that the USA is the stupidest and most evil of all. Ergo our #1 COVID death rate! And with that basic understanding we can assume that stupid and evil leaders will not make smart or wise choices for us. But we don’t have to be stupid or evil in response by making stupid choices either. Like leaping blindly down insane, conspiracy rabbit holes. From 5G will melt your brain, Covid-19 isn’t real, masks are stealing your oxygen, to ANTIFA is an organized, terrorist organization that wants all white people dead-ignore the fact that I’m ANTIFA, my kids are ANTIFA, my grandparents were ANTIFA and we are all white. Oh and let’s not forget the ultimate conspiracy theory that the BlackLivesMatter movement is also a terrorist group-because expressing outrage over centuries of murder and abuse means “terrorist”…

Does anyone EVER actually do ANY research anymore? Does anyone EVER actually TALK to people who are involved intimately in any of these “conspiracies” or “organizations”? Does anyone remember OCCAMS RAZOR ffs? Science? Talking to people who KNOW? Using your brain? Being silent and contemplative rather than ignorantly and blaringly, obtuse?

Nope. Nadda. I see people ignoring common sense, disbelieving their own eyes and ears, shunning science and thoughtful communication, and embracing the fear and the ignorance shared by the fearful and ignorant. So much ignorance. No wonder we’re going extinct. And taking everything else on this planet with us.

Photo credit Ana Schneider.